Serious Issues To Consider Prior To Hyperbaric Facility Planning

By Janine Hughes

The health benefits of oxygen have long been known, but in the medical community this notion has been taken to the next level. Patients seek less invasive treatments for illnesses, even though some of these treatments also carry a measure of risk. In this climate, it is necessary for an up-and-coming provider of holistic as well as allopathic medicine to educate themselves before hyperbaric facility planning.

The building itself must be up to code and authorized to store large amounts of pure oxygen on site. Oxygen canisters are flammable and can be highly explosive, thus posing a threat to the surrounding community. Not only that, but the office where the procedure is being carried out would be utterly destroyed along with everyone inside.

So far the FDA has approved this method to treat divers who suffer from decompression sickness. This is a condition that results from coming up from very deep water too quickly, and it is the only condition that the FDA has approved to be treated in such a chamber. As such, vacation areas and long-distance cruise ships where many people go deep sea diving is a popular place for just such facilities.

Individuals run the risk of believing the treatment alone will cure them because they feel better. Utilizing an holistic treatment rather than continuing with scheduled chemo or other treatment can have potentially fatal results. There is no proof that these chambers can even treat, let alone cure diabetes, cancer, aging, depression, or autism.

Because the treatment is regarded as fairly benign, and it reportedly does improve the overall health and well-being of the patients who use it, there is always the risk that patients will neglect or completely discontinue their allopathic treatments. While the medical community does agree that even a placebo effect is good medicine if it makes the patient feel better, they also urge their patients to continue treatments such as chemotherapy or dialysis. Failure to keep these appointments, as scheduled, can have fatal results.

Too few of the regular patients are aware of the side-effects that have been attributed to this particular therapy. Probably the most disturbing side-effect is the sudden onset of seizures effecting nearly one in ten patients who undergo treatment. Naturally, this therapy is never recommended for a patient who suffers from a seizure condition to begin with, and other patients are now being told that, after ninety minutes in the chamber, they must spend at least ten minutes outside it breathing room air.

Oddly enough, temporary near-sightedness, also known as myopia, can occur as a side-effect of multiple long sessions in the chamber. By temporary, this generally means literally weeks or months of lessened visual acuity, potentially requiring corrective lenses which may have to be changed frequently. This comes as a real shock to patients who have had their vision corrected with Lasik.

Worse than the myopia is the potential for permanent damage to the inner ear. This can be dangerous to elderly patients or anyone suffering osteoporosis. The inner ear controls balance, and a sudden and unexplained attack of vertigo can cause a person to take a terrible fall.

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