What To Do To Prevent Acne Inflammation

By Alan Bradd

Acne is one among many skin conditions that is mainly characterized by pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. It occurs mainly on the face because of a mixture of oil and dead skin cells that block your sweat pores. This skin condition normally occurs in teenagers but may later transgress to the earlier parts of adulthood. Here is how to fight this skin condition.

Make sure that you keep your face clean every day by washing it twice to remove impurities, dead skin cells and oil. Apply precautionary measures when treating your skin by using a light cloth to wash your face and a gentle soap. The water should be lukewarm rather than hot, then rinse and dry with a clean towel.

It is also important to keep your skin moisturized to counter the drying effects of acne. When selecting a moisturizer, it is advisable to go for one that not only minimizes dryness, but also prevents peeling of the skin. There are different kinds of moisturizers in the shops, which are mainly for dry or oily skin, or a combination of the two.

For acne purposes, it is normally advisable to avoid using too much make up such as the powder, blush or wearing foundation. If you do, you should wash it out every night before bedtime. The chemical composition of some of the cosmetics can cause emergence of pimples and irritation on the skin. When buying make up, always look for the ones written noncomedogenic as these cannot cause acne.

It is also important to keep your hair away from your face to avoid acne. Some of the fragrances, oils, and gels that you apply on the hair can cause the sweat pores to block when they touch the face. Instead of these, you can just use a gentle shampoo and conditioner when washing your hair.

Another thing to observe when fighting acne is avoiding touching the face often. Doing this can spread bacteria on the skin, and irritate the affected skin as well. When you spot any pimples on your face, do not pick or pop them as this can cause infection and emergence of scars on the face.

A common risk factor for this skin condition is intense rays from the sun. The rays can cause irritation on the skin of an affected person and worsen the condition. Wearing protective clothes like long pants, long sleeved shirts and a hat can help prevent the skin from getting direct rays from the sun. Sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 30 can also help you avoid direct sunlight when you are outdoors.

Exercise everyday to help your body perform well. Exercise has many benefits to the body and brain such as improving the basal metabolic rate and general function of the body organs. Be cautious when exercising by wearing light clothes and avoiding exercise machines that rub against your skin and shower immediately after a training session.

Avoid stress to fight acne. Stress is one of the risk factors that trigger acne. It is important to avoid stressful situations in your life, but if you find yourself entangled in one, seek professional help when you are unable to deal with it yourself.

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