Important Facts About Plastic Surgery

By Jamal D White

Plastic surgery has become a common thing in the world today. So many cases relating to plastic surgical procedures have emerged due to the demand for the service. It is advisable to go for some fact-finding mission before engaging in anything regarding plastic surgery.

A section of medical surgeons especially those in the plastic surgery field have come up with facts to be looked at in regard to plastic surgery. Much of these facts highlight the origin of the practice, erasing doubts such as plastic surgery is a modern trend only. Some of this information has been verified to be true. This has shade some light into this more mistaken practice, which many people seem to fear, and others embrace it without minding the side effects.

The origin of the word plastic surgery can put one who has been misunderstanding it, distant from the belief that plastic surgery is nothing but dealing with plastics on the human body. The word plastic in plastic surgery comes from a Greek word plastikos simply meaning to mould or to shape. The word surgery transcends from another Greek word Khirourgos, which means handwork. This helps you understand that the term does not necessarily have to imply the use of plastics.

Plastic surgery is the oldest method of all surgeries to have ever been performed since time in memorial. The first type of plastic surgery, dating back to 1000 BC In the Peruvian Times. Indians on the other hand practiced reconstructive surgery on victims who lost part of their body organs, such as the nose, ears or even those whose skin was damaged.

Surgeons who took part in the World War One, established The American Association of Plastic surgery and were vibrant in fighting to stop unregulated plastic surgery procedures. The innovations on plastic surgery began during World War, as the number injured people were huge. A need arose to see soldiers who had damaged part of their bodies get back to their former or near normal. This has led to new developments and innovations on plastic surgery to date.

Reshaping of the nose and augmentation of the breast are the most popular types of plastic surgery done today all over the world. Only ten percent of the total plastic surgery cases done daily in the world are performed on men. Women take the large share on demanding plastic surgery services.

The former U.S. president Bill Clinton stated through a bill that plastic surgery be covered under an insurance policy. This came to the much relieve of many plastic surgeons and to many patients of the same, who in event got covered just in case the surgery went wrong. The bill also covered breast augmentation in achieving symmetry between two breasts.

There is a big difference between certification of a cosmetic surgery and that of a plastic surgery. A plastic surgeon has to undergo a post-graduate training before certification while a cosmetic surgeon only needs to under-go residency training to be certified. This is to show that there is a big distinction in the two almost similar fields that are quite often mis-interpreted. Knowing this will enable you look for the appropriate professional for whatever service you are looking for.

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