Home Fitness Exercise - How to Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself

Studies show that more women suffer from eating disorders these days. Experts believe that the increase in cases of eating disorders in women can be attributed to the influence of the media. Being thin is considered a standard for beauty and women are supposed to look that thin models strutting on the runaway to look incredibly beautiful. Unfortunately, the idea of ​​being thin and beautiful has sent thousands of women across the country on a starvation diet. This very sad considering the fact that the mere exercise fitness programs and balanced diet are sufficient to maintain the weight of the woman on the check.

If you are one of those women who are desperately trying to lose weight, forget about starving yourself to lose a few pounds. Instead of going on that infamous starvation diet, try to get into a program of home fitness exercise program and stick to it. To get you started in the right direction, here are some tips for you.

Developing your exercise program fitness

You must be scientific in their approach to a program of fitness exercises at home. You can not exercise at random. Although most types of fitness exercises at home are good for the body, all one can really give you that beautiful curve. For this beautiful curve, you must go to the areas of your body when you exercise. This means that you need to know what parts of your body desperately needs to shed off a few pounds more and focus on this area. For example, if you're packing a lot of extra weight around the belly and hips, you should go to an exercise program that targets these areas.

Stick to your program

You must stick to your exercise program fitness at home if you want to see results. No, you can not stop after exercise for a couple of weeks. Giving too early that doing things worse for you. To answer your exercise program, find an exercise that can train you partner. Your spouse or best friend will fall into this category. Exercise with someone can be a lot of fun and you have to do a bit of social life, as it tries to shed pounds. Make sure that person is also involved in the fitness exercises at home that was or what that person will be the first in any program, when things get tough.

Find Ways To Exercise At Home

Take time to exercise should be a goal for everyone. Exercise will help you lose weight and stay healthy. Some examples of how people stay active include going to the gym and playing sports. Some choose to work in the morning and another in the evening. Exercising at home is another common practice. Sit-ups, pull ups and jumping can really get the blood flowing. For a more intense workout, enter a treadmill, elliptical or exercise bike. You will be able to break a sweat more and lose more calories when you are in one of these machines.

Home treadmills are one of the most popular exercise equipment in. They are so easy to use. If you know how to walk and buttons, you know how to use a treadmill. There are different types of users of the treadmill. Use treadmills to get rid of a few pounds. Or exercise together to form a marathon. Customize your fitness routine by customizing the parameters such as speed, incline and resistance. Or follow training programs integrated at their own pace toward specific fitness goals. The ease and flexibility that comes with using a treadmill is probably one of the greatest rewards in this machine.

The process used for navigation on a treadmill is a difficult task. This is a purchase of investments that affect their health and lifestyle. The specifications of each treadmill are different and vary depending on characteristics such as the frame, treadmill, training applications, the engine and suspension.

An elliptical trainer is another common option for people to carry on. Some people prefer elliptical on treadmills, because there is less impact in question, which means that the drives are easier on the body. The steering wheel is on these machines to push the elliptical motion of the pedals, simulating the movement is running or jogging. The handlebars are integrated in most elliptical machines to help more training arm. This design allows the elliptical to provide a complete training solution, hitting both upper and lower body. Elliptical applications also come with integrated training. Use pre-configured applications to guide you to the specific training objectives. High-end elliptical machines have the ability to connect to the Internet, which allows you to download thousands of other training applications.

Before you start looking around, looking for the difference between the control of the front wheel and rear wheel elliptical. Any of these types of elliptical machines can be found sold by the major manufacturers of fitness. Design and technology behind the elliptical before traction systems have existed for some time. Many of these machines are more profitable than the machines drive the rear wheels. There are many more factors involved FWD elliptical. Rear drive elliptical in new models and use less mechanical to power users. There are fewer parts used to make the system. This design also allows you to simulate a more natural elliptical motion. Elliptical rear drive are very popular among consumers these days.

Finally, remember that exercise bikes are very popular too. Mountain biking and cycling is a type of demographic change club totally different form. Avid cyclists baskets about being able to run inside and outside. Enjoy walks in the comfort of your own home. Ride whenever you're in the mood. These machines have the least amount of space between those analyzed so far and they are the most affordable of the three.

Not all exercise bikes are created equal. If you see yourself as a casual user will probably be more interested in an upright exercise bike. This bike uses a framework that simulates a traditional bicycle. The seat is quite high and the position is vertical. Those looking for a more intense exercise bike exercises should consider a closed cycle. This bike uses a framework that mimics those found on racing bikes. There is more space to push the pedals and gears in these models. Try one of them and get a power training. Finally, if you are someone who is in rehab or just need to have something that is ergonomic, a recumbent bike is for you. These bikes are equipped with a head bigger which provides more support thanks to a better weight dispersion. Exercising in a recumbent bike for a more comfortable workout. Rehab does not have to be a painful process in a recumbent bike.

Exercising at home is a desire that many people wish they could do. Hopefully this article has given you an idea of what. It is now easy to get a good workout at home. No worries gym payments or having to deal with rain or snow. There is now no excuse not to stay active. Treadmills, ellipticals and exercise bikes can help you stay in shape. These machines are easy to use. Make your own workout fitness or follow a guided computer program session. With promotions fitness happening today, you can save by buying on the web. There is no better decision you can make today that the decision to start getting in shape. Great body toned and healthy can be yours. So start to get in shape and enjoy life much more.

Home Fitness Exercise - Keeping Off Those Extra Pounds

Our diet and lifestyle have made us vulnerable to weight problems these days. Our busy schedules often leave us time to cook healthy foods at home or take a few minutes to exercise daily. Unfortunately, the combination of bad food and less exercise can have very serious effects on our body. After a few months of eating fast foods, most of us put in a lot of extra pounds that are hard to shake. Fortunately, a fitness exercises at home and some high fiber meal program taken regularly can help you lose a few pounds in just a short period of time. The most interesting part of it is that if we stick to our program of fitness exercises at home and our high fiber diet, you might be able to keep the extra pounds does again.

Enter an exercise program fitness

A simple exercise home fitness program takes only a few minutes to complete. According to experts, 15-20 minutes of exercise every day and make a big difference. If you are really serious about shedding those extra pounds, make small adjustments to your daily routine is necessary. For example, if you want to exercise before going to work, just put your alarm clock 20 minutes before the stage of your usual time. With this head start of 20 minutes, and you can do many things. In addition, exercise in the morning can help you stay awake and active for most of the day. In addition, according to experts, do some morning exercises help improve blood flow to the brain, so it is likely to be in the best mental state when you arrive at the office.

On the other hand, if you're not a morning person and do not like the idea of ​​starting the day with a home gym exercise routine, you can make your workout after arrival at the home from work. No, you're not too tired to exercise after office hours. Unless your job involves manual activities, you'll still have plenty of energy to devote to a workout when I get home. Also, make an exercise routine at home a few hours before bedtime will help you sleep better after. Exercise is a great stress buster and helps you to relax after a busy day at the office.

3 Simple Home Fitness Training Exercises for Women

Many women choose to go the route of fitness training at home, simply because it is the most practical option, especially for women who are constantly juggling their work and family life . With everything that's going on, just not the time to pack a gym bag and drive to the nearest room and gym. Fortunately, there are some simple but effective exercises to do at home that are tailored to the fitness needs of women. If the goal is to lose weight, sculpt a body bikini ready, or just to keep fit, there are quick and easy options active woman of today can do at home. Here are some examples of great exercises for women at home.

1) Pilates - This training has become one of the most popular exercise routines for women in recent years. This is because this type of training not only helps in weight loss efforts, but also helps improve flexibility, tone muscles and increase strength and lower the upper body of a person. In addition to the exercises performed using giant machines in the gym, there are a number of exercises that can be done at home with a carpet, a medicine ball and a Pilates ring. Pilates For a quick fix, check out one of the many exercises pilates videos 10-30 minutes online or buy an instructional DVD for a complete workout routine.

2) dance exercises - Regular aerobic exercise can be boring, so fitness experts have decided to inject a little fun in the generally repetitive and monotonous routines in the home fitness training that people are accustomed. Combining no fun and exciting dance with exercise movements that will surely get the blood pumping, the workout routines that dance Zumba, Hip Hop Abs Shawn T., and other exercise videos developed with the help of celebrities and professional dancers, women can now exercise every 20 to 60 minutes.

3) Yoga - This ancient tradition of India has become one of the most popular home workouts today. Combines stretching and meditation to help develop a more healthy body and mind. There are many variations of yoga to choose from and each has its own advantages for health and fitness. In the past, people could not learn from a guru yoga, also known as a yogi. Today, many yoga practitioners are able to meditate and ask your way to fitness, even in the comfort of your own home. Beginners can also start their daily routine of yoga at home by purchasing an instructional video to use as a guide.

The convenience of being able to perform fat burning, muscle toning exercises and strength training in the comfort of your own home made ​​home fitness workout a popular choice, especially for women. The possibility of hiring a personal trainer to guide them throughout the training process also make things much easier, especially for women who are too tired or trite to get up and exercise. There are many options available for women who want to stay in shape without having to leave home. All you need to do is find a fitness program that works for them.

9 CrossFit Exercises to Lose Weight and Tummy Fat

CrossFit is a series of training methods focuses on improving strength and conditioning. It focuses mainly on Olympic weightlifting style, but also consists of several routines that target the development of various physical attributes such as endurance, strength, speed, coordination, balance, and more.

What separates CrossFit all the other methods out there is that most of those who use it are effective. Although the training in most routines are for strength and endurance, CrossFit is an effective advocate for weight loss and belly fat. In fact, all kinds of exercises designed to burn calories and fat. So now we find nine of the most ideal CrossFit exercise to lose weight and belly fat.

1. Cindy routine

Cindy is a routine strategy of the whole body which consists of push-ups and bodyweight squats. Has a period of 20 minutes. It can be done the next day and the athlete must ensure that progress is being made. This routine is an effective exercise for burning fat because it is short, fast, and works the whole body. It is specifically designed to add muscle to the chest and shoulders while allowing at the same time the high pace of work and burn calories faster than fat.

Two. Filthy 50

Filthy 50 is a CrossFit training very strict and demanding as necessary to perform 50 repetitions with ten types of exercises. The list includes box jumps, pull-ups, changes kettleball loins steps, lifts, push press, back extension, and throws the ball burpee double unders. It is obvious that this routine is physically demanding - it also means that you can maximize the amount of calories burned in a single session.

Three. Thrusters and pull

This routine is repeated. You can start with the maximum number of thrusters and pull ups that can be done, then reduce the amount of repetition. This routine is also an effective way to the stomach and belly fat middle.

April. L-sit

Abs will always be the best way to abdominal exercises and stomach. As the L-sit, you can lose a significant amount of excess paper in the midsection by performing a routine where the body is supported by the arms, while the legs are kept straight.

May low duplicates

Double under jump rope routine that will definitely give you an adrenaline rush. It is done by jumping over a rope and ensuring that the cable passes twice before landing. The higher working capacity is required, which in turn results in greater amounts of weight and fat burned.

6. Course and shoot faster ups

You lose more sweat and burn more calories when you run. Distance workouts are always an effective way to lose excess weight, not only that, if you combine with pushups, you will not only improve your endurance, but the arm strength and upper body as .

Dip 7.

Autumn is a good exercise routine to improve muscle group, not just one. For example, the routine ring plunger gives more strength and balance while you manage to stabilize the rings on both sides of your body. The strength of the upper body is the center, but as others have mentioned, it requires strength and power to perform. This corresponds to a lot of effort and sweat - make you burn fat and lose weight.

8 + race. Elevator Dead

Deadweight and stroke are two powerful exercises that can certainly give good ways to lose weight and belly fat. In this routine, you will perform a series of games crouch then run 1.5 km. This is done by repeated until progression appears.

9. Duplicates lower abs +

We have already mentioned the benefits of bass and how it can be difficult. If you combine it with crunches, you receive the perfect place to get rid of that belly fat and make your stomach much more attractive combo.

On a final note, remember, however, that any type of exercise or workout routine can not be considered effective when it comes to losing weight when combined with a healthy and balanced diet. So do not try to participate in CrossFit exercises if you are convinced of the practice of a healthy diet.

Good Exercises to Lose Belly Fat - Invest in a Trampoline to Flatten Your Tummy Quickly and Easily!

If you are looking to get rid of stubborn belly fat, you probably are looking for simple exercises that you can do to lose weight and tone your tummy and strengthen your abdominal muscles. One of the best ways to flatten your stomach and have a good time while working is to use a trampoline. That's it! You will not believe how easy and fast you can flatten and tone your abs if you're willing to invest in this tool amazing weight loss!

One of the best exercises you can do on your trampoline is a simple facelift. Bring your knees toward your chest as you jump and try to get your legs under enough that you can recover your shins with your hands before returning. After reaching his arm, you force your abs to flex and made ​​a sort of super sit!

You probably already know that you can not lose fat in the belly without losing the total fat in your body. So to do this, you will need to follow a strategic plan for weight loss is to start your metabolism and keep it high throughout the day so that your body is in a constant state of fat burning. To do this, you must eat the right foods in the right proportions distributed properly throughout the day.

Do not worry, this is not rocket science! Protein and non-starchy vegetables lean stick just for a month! Loading before the calories by eating larger meals in the morning and decline throughout the day. Try to eat four to five small meals a day instead of three large meals and load on the water so that your system is kept under control and keep you feeling full and prevent cravings!

Do you think you can do? It is only a month! If you're ready to start losing weight today her belly, discover guaranteed to lose weight fast and erase the fat in the system 30 days.

Full Body Workout To Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight, you're better off with a full body workout routines split your normal bodybuilders make body. If you look at the educated masses (who knows weightlifting is good for weight loss), often adopt a bodybuilding routine. Which is fine, but if you tried to find better ways, they would have learned workouts very effective body.

In their quest to lose weight, these people either focus on cardio or weight (with split routines, namely, chest and back on Monday, Wednesday, legs, arms and abs Friday). But here's the problem, if you work a body part per workout, you do not put your body in a metabolic state remaining after training.

Anyone who has tried to build muscle or lose fat, know that you will not burn fat during the workout, you burn at rest, when your resting metabolic rate is higher. That is why I propose a total body exercise that increases your metabolic rate higher resting and is ideal for fat loss routines.

In my experience, 3 -4 days of training with a focus on the whole body will give you excellent results. Here's your drive should look like this ...

Monday / Wednesday / Friday

Chest: Incline bench press, dumbbell fly (3 reps X 8 games)

Re: traction (3 x 8)

Shoulders: Arnold press or seated dumbbell press (3 x 8)

Biceps: barbell curls (3 x 8)

Triceps: Dips and stack pulley (3 X 8)

Legs: squat, deadlift and good morning (3 x 8)

How to Use Body Weight Exercises to Lose Weight Fast

Bodyweight exercises are the latest craze in late night infomercials, but it is true in all the hype? Of course, Chuck Norris, Christie Brinkley, Wesley Snipes and even Olivia Newton-John found a remarkable discovery that revolutionizes fitness how people can build muscle, lose fat and tone your body, right? However, besides the Total Gym expensive, is there another way to enjoy bodyweight exercises for weight loss and fitness? Continue reading to discover five free exercises, however, surprisingly effective body weight will help you lose weight and get fit.

When you start your bodyweight exercises to be prepared for some sore muscles the next day. Most people do not realize how powerful it can be a driving weight, so push harder than they should in the first 2-3 weeks. Discomfort is a natural by-product of the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. Jogging or squats knees will help you burn eliminate lactic acid and muscle discomfort.

Squats are one of the most effective weight body exercises a person can do. When done correctly squats provide a full body workout, even though it may seem that only the lower part of the body is exercise. Training squats while the lower body, as well as most of the major muscle groups in the upper body.

A squat weight is basically simple deep knee flexion. Keep your spine slightly arched back, pushing the torso. Once folded in your lap, make sure you keep your spine in a good position to push back slightly outward. To help maintain balance, keep your hands in front of you.

The secret to losing weight with this exercise is that you need to perform quickly enough to be able to do at least 50 in a row in quick succession. Breathe deeply as necessary as breathing squat is performed through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. A good example would be done squats 60 sit-ups in two minutes or less. You will be breathless when you are finished.

Pullups or Chins are a great upper body workout, as these exercises are their largest group of muscles in the upper body of work. The main muscles worked are the latissimus dorsi (aka, lat muscles), but also the biceps, forearms and abs. Just take a bar that can support the weight of the body and see if you can make more than 3 dominated.

[Note: When dominated or dominated body weight, you can choose to grab the bar with your palms facing you, or you can deal with your palms facing away. The difference between the exercises is simple: palms facing you is a pull-up and largely involves the biceps; palms on one of the dominated and also uses the biceps.]

Pumps are probably the most popular type of bodyweight exercise known. Dominated should be integrated into your normal exercise routine every day. Pumps are mainly focused on strengthening the chest muscles (pectorals) with a slight advantage for the triceps and abdominals. During startup, aim at a target to 20 pushups in a row.

Chair dips are incredibly simple to incorporate exercise. Just take two chairs with back and arrange them so that you can adapt them. Place your hands on both chairbacks and slow down if you support your weight with just your arms. Now you need to reduce your body in what looks like a modified pushup position upright. You will receive an arm and a huge chest workout in this area.

Jogging or walking are two of the most bodyweight exercises underutilized. Just get out there (or on the treadmill) and start walking or jogging. Go at a pace that requires your heart to raise your heart rate while in the heart rate zone. You should be able to hold a conversation while you do this exercise, so if you're out of breath, then you need to slow down and take it easy.

Helpful tips. Because bodyweight exercises do not require any additional hardware can perform bodyweight exercises anywhere anytime! So the next time a commercial comes on TV, you should take the opportunity to improve your fitness and reduce weight.

Do bodyweight exercises every day. Establish a routine and establish a daily habit of doing bodyweight exercises. In less than two months, you will see results - you look and feel much better - and the cost is zero!

Squats and Deadlifts - The Best Exercises Out There to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle

Squats and deadlifts are the most effective exercises to lose fat, burn calories and gain muscle. These two exercises are the type you will use more muscle groups under a heavy load than any other weight bearing exercise there. Many people are afraid to lift weights, but the reality is that if you want to get the maximum results in your efforts to lose weight, gain muscle and fitness should start doing squats and deadlifts.

Start with the weight of his body.

You do not have to go crazy and 50 kg lift in his first chance. Do squats correctly requires a specific technique, and if you just try to go for the sake of it can cause your self injury. Squats are performed without knees and head height of their trailers. So the best thing is to do it in front of a wall. Standing next to the wall where their trailers touch the bottom of it. Now you squat. Inevitably, knees and the head does not go beyond their trailers and you do a good squat. Once you get the hang of it, walk to the wall and practice the free wall squats.

Hormonal response better than any other exercise

I spoke earlier about the right exercises to do, I stimulate hormonal responses (growth hormone, testosterone, etc.) as well, squats and dead weight are better than any other exercise. So if you want to gain muscle mass, lose weight, build a strong functional body, or improving athletic performance, squats and deadlifts, and their variations are the best thing you can do.

I do not think there is a magic pill to lose weight. Maybe you have tried taking weight loss pills and weight loss really, but how long did it last and what these pills content? Making the right exercises combined with the right food in the right amounts and times of the day is the key to losing weight safely foods burn fat and calories, stimulate growth hormones and testosterone and stay fit and healthy.

If you doubt what I say here, then we invite you to join the club without cardio machine and spend some time reflecting on the treadmill or bike or elliptical or any other cardio machine, bored, not lose weight what so ever and expose your body to injury. You will not find long boring cardio truth About Abs exercises - written by Mike Geary book.

Commitment and dedication to achieve something in life is necessary, I will try to paint a beautiful picture, but I can testify that when I do the exercises in the Truth About Abs by Mike Geary feel good, I feel I as there is an adrenaline in the body for about half an hour after exercise. It is a great feeling, and produces results. TAA is a program that, while following along you are guaranteed to see results within 2 weeks of starting the exercises.

Isometric Workouts & Exercises to Lose Weight - Top Workouts For Fast Fat Loss!

Isometric exercise is a form of training, including resistance training, where you use your muscles to exert a force on an object. It is keeping your muscles in a fixed position for a certain period of time. This exercise contracts the muscles without changing its length. Affected joints are also static throughout the year.

The same exercises are also known to help you lose weight as they can in a way increase metabolism and burn fat. Fat is also the muscles; the body is also in phase with the help of isometric exercises. Here are some of the best exercises that can help you lose weight and improve muscle strength too.

1. The table is used for abdominal improvement and burn belly fat. To do this, simply lie on the floor and raise your body. Your weight can rest on your toes and forearms. While doing this, remember to keep your flat abs and back. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
Two. To improve your shoulder, shoulder isometric increases are appropriate. Just stand with your feet shoulder width; knees slightly bent. With a dumbbell in your hands, lift the weight to your side at shoulder height. Maintain the weight for 30 seconds, then repeat.
Squats. Mars are great for losing fat in the thighs and tone your legs. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and lean back on the wall. Slide down the wall until you see that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat.

Remember that there are some precautions to take when it comes to exercise. The duration and intensity is considered, as this may cause an increase in blood pressure. Always be aware of these things and exercise safely lose weight for you.

3 Desk Exercises to Lose Weight Fast.

With your busy office life, many people end up complaining that they do not have the time to go to the gym and work off their excess weight. However, you do not need to exercise two hours a day to get in better shape and help you lose weight quickly. What matters is the cumulative value of exercise, not only the intensity of directions per session. So even fifteen minutes a day of exercise, you will start to lose weight, as it is not overeating. Obviously, you will not see a radical difference in the two months, but the waiting time of the year it can be reversed a few pounds. You could start with some of the effective exercises to lose weight fast desktop.


Stretching the body is very important to prevent stiffness and injury and improve range of motion of your muscles. If you do not stretch enough and your body hurts, you can forget about exercise and lose weight quickly.

Touches the ground - For this exercise, sitting in his chair and plant your feet in a wide and stable position. Now raise your arms above your head, stretching as far as you can, with palms facing each other. Now, keep your fixed lower body and torso tight, slit slowly forward and touch the ground in front of you, breathing steadily all the time. Stay there for 2-5 seconds and return with scrutiny. Repeat this 5 times.

Stretch your sides - Stretch your arms up, palms facing the sky and turned inward fingers. Now bend slightly to one side, to the center and then folding in the other direction. To do this, five times on each side.


While stretching prepares your body for action, are cardiovascular exercises and muscle toning really accelerate your weight loss. There are several muscle toning exercises you can do at your desk.

Chair Dips - This exercise is great for the upper body. To do this, make sure your chair is stable. Now grab the edges of the chair and go to the front of the chair, which is in the sitting position until your arms are straight. Now lower your body a few inches, bending your elbows while doing so. Hold and pull up until your arms are straight again. Repeat this exercise 8-10 times.

Chair Squats - for your abdominal muscles and lower body, the squatters chair "is one of the easiest and most difficult exercises that you can do. What is standing in front of his chair, keeping your feet at shoulder width. Now lower your body until you feel your hips barely touch the chair. Hold for 2-5 seconds, then lift the body and recover anything without support. Repeat this 8-10 times.

cardiovascular exercises

Cardiovascular exercise, even if done for 60 seconds at a time, a piece of burning calories and help you get lean. All you need is a little space around your desk or in an empty room. You can jump for a minute or a strong career in the field. The alternative could be a couple of laps to climb stairs or brisk walking around your office during lunch time.

If you stay consistent with these simple initiatives will soon begin to feel stronger and more energetic, while losing those excess calories. However, you will not find better weight loss tips to blend into your lifestyle.

You are free to publish this article without any change in the content electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your website, free website, as long as the author resource details are included.

Choose the Best Exercises to Lose Weight

People exercise for many reasons, but one of the main reasons is to lose weight. There are so many ways to exercise is difficult to know what is good for you. Any type of exercise is good, but the best exercises for weight loss are the most effective exercises. For weight loss, you must include both cardio exercises and strength training to burn calories, burn fat and increase muscle mass. These exercises can be done at home or in the gym. The best exercises are those exercises that work all muscle groups of the body to lose weight effectively.

Walking-Walking is a great cardiovascular exercise. What is good? It can be done anywhere, without the necessary equipment, and everyone knows how to walk like we do every day to move. Include at least 30 minutes of walking to your daily routine. To make it harder to increase your time, speed and incline.

Training-Interval Training Interval training helps speed by increasing your intensity during a defined interval. By increasing the intensity of your workout your body burns more calories from fat to help lose weight. For example, if you start walking, add at intervals of 1-2 minutes of jogging or running along its entire routine. Your overall fitness will improve, helping you to see fast weight loss results.

Squats and lunges-two squats and lunges work all the muscle groups in the lower body at the same time. This is an advantage because it does not have to do separate exercises for the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. It is important to maintain good form while squats and lunges is to obtain maximum results and avoid the risk of injury. Squats while keeping your back straight, with your feet apart. Bend your knees while reducing your back and keeping your knees over ankles. With slots to keep your back straight and your weight on the back foot. Maintain balance while lowering the back knee toward the floor without touching the ground.

ABS ABS-crunches help strengthen the core muscles. It is important to contract your abdominal muscles as you press your back against the floor and raise your neck, shoulders and upper back off the floor. To avoid arching your back lift your feet off the ground, which is applied to the hip flexors.

Pushups-Pushups are a great exercise to strengthen the entire upper body. Push-ups strengthen the chest, shoulders, triceps and core muscles. Remember to keep your body in a straight line from the shoulders to the bottom line of your feet. Keep your abs and glutes engaged as you lower your body down and bring it back. For beginners, you can start with your knees on the floor. To make it more difficult to set foot on a stair or bench pumps.

Folded lines bent over rows work opposite muscle groups pumps, back and biceps. Keep your knees bent, leaning forward at the hips, abs engaged and extend the spine. For beginners perform bent over rows without weights.