Learn About Benefits Of Vitamin D3 For Organ Health And Physical Well-Being

By Lilia Slaybaugh

If you often get colds or flu or feel depressed, then there could be a simple solution. A daily dose of Vitamin D3 together with probiotic supplements to provide Vitamin K could work marvels for your health. In fact, Vitamin D deficiency is extremely widespread in America, Canada, the UK, and the northern parts of Europe.

It is not only necessary to improve your immunity: Vitamin D is vital for the health of every cell in your body. You will be amazed at how much your overall health will improve if you take a quality Vitamin D3 supplement. Normally this is the gift of the Sun, but modern lifestyles make supplementation necessary.

Adequate levels of Vitamin K are also required for Vitamin D3 to exert its full effect. This can be provided by probiotics, which stimulate production of Vitamin K in your gut. Together, Vitamin K and Vitamin D work together to keep your bones and soft tissues of all kinds in perfect condition and functioning as intended.

Flu and osteoporosis are often associated with Vitamin D, but this important nutrient affects every organ of your body. There is even a link with Alzheimers and similar disease, so its effects are extremely far-reaching. A complete list of associated diseases makes interesting reading, as it includes many unexpected conditions.

Many people believe that they do not have a problem, a they take a multivitamin which includes enough Vitamin D to satisfy the RDA. Unfortunately, this may be the ineffective Vitamin D2, and the RDA is actually set far tool low. While it may prevent the short term effects, the RDA amount is insufficient to prevent long-term problems.

These two supplements should form the essential foundation for any supplementation program. Only if you are taking sufficient probiotics and Vitamin D3 can you hope to avoid many serious conditions. You can build on this basis to incorporate other essential nutrients in your quest for improved health and freedom from disease.

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