How To Solve Common Breastfeeding Problems

By Mayra Pierce

There are instances when it comes to mothers who have their first child, that they only realize the advices from doctors in breastfeeding when they actually start doing it. This is still regarded as the best means in nurturing the baby. This is also the joy for mothers and their moment to bond with their babies.

The challenges that these first time mothers would go through is immeasurable. The feeding would tend to have a lot of common breastfeeding problems for the mothers in terms of lactation, infection, comfortability, and many others. That is why the doctors would be there to help you, but knowing first hand what to do is very beneficial.

One problem is when the baby does not latch properly when they start to feed. What happens is that their mouths would go beyond the areola and this makes it uncomfortable for the mother. It could simple be readjusted and repositioned by gently sliding in the index finger in the mouth and letting them release it. When they yawn or when they open their mouths from tickling the chin, you can take this opportunity to let them latch again.

Cracked nipples could mean that there are latching problems, dry skin, thrush, or incorrect pumping of the breast. This could be an symptoms to other worse cases, but before that you need to do some initial adjustments by doing the same repositioning. You can also let the cracks heal through either water or with the milk. Do not even try to use other moisturizers.

Clogging of the ducts could be an infection, but this can only be determined when there is accompanying feverish tendencies and then aches on the breast. You can initially massage it gently to generate better milk flow. Also, apply warm compress over it. If the pain persists, you can contact your doctor.

Sometimes the lactating can come in large amounts which makes it difficult for the baby to feed or properly latch. Try hand expressing first which controls the flow and softens the breast. The more you nurse, it is less likely for your breast to get engorged.

An infection which is caused by bacteria is mastitis. It comes along with fever and then breast pains. There are various causes for this and it includes plugged ducts, cracked skin, or engorgement. This can be solved through hot compression, antibiotics, and frequent expressing of the milk.

Yeast and fungi may cause thrush which gives of a nasty rash and annoying itchiness. This is likely first found on the mouth and lips of the infant which tends to be passed towards the breasts of the lactating mother. Have this checked by the doctor to get recommendations on the anti fungal medicines that you can use. Also, the application is both on the mouth of the baby and then the breasts.

There are times when the breast would feel like there are small needles poking it, but this is quite normal. But if it lasts longer than a few minutes and the pain tends to become unbearable, this is already a sign for an infection. Ask help from your doctor in order to know what kind of infection this is and to get a prescription.

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